How Sculpsure® Can Help in Contouring Your Neck Area

woman holding her arms up and showing clean underarmsIf you have been troubled by excess fat underneath your chin that results in a double chin appearance, you are not the only one frustrated with how to address it. Unlike other areas of the body, where exercise and diet can make improvements, the double chin, also known as “submental fullness,” may remain regardless of what attempts you make. Instead, Dr. Daniel S. Tresley of Northbrook, IL, might recommend a laser treatment known as SculpSure® that can provide amazing results and target this specific area of the neck and jaw.

What is SculpSure®?

SculpSure® is a non-invasive laser treatment that can specifically target and eliminate fat cells in the chin area. Without traditional surgery, patients can contour their chin, jaw, and neck area by removing fat that tends to accumulate in these areas. With laser treatments, there are many benefits of SculpSure® over traditional liposuction. Some of the benefits of SculpSure® include the following:

  • No downtime or recovery time needed
  • No scarring or marks left behind
  • Results can be seen in as little as six weeks
  • Can target multiple areas in one treatment

If you’re interested in finding out if SculpSure® is suitable for you and your chin contouring goals, it’s best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional such as our board-certified ophthalmologist. He will be able to assess your specific needs and determine the best course of action for achieving the look you want.

How long does it take to see changes and results?

This treatment takes less than 30 minutes, and results will be seen as soon as six weeks after your session. This is because the fat cells take time to flush through the body after being treated with the laser device. The results are gradual, eliminating the appearance of having “work done” and reducing any scarring that might occur with other treatment options.

Say goodbye to that pesky double chin, and hello to a more defined jawline!

Interested in SculpSure® for your double chin? Give Dr. Daniel Tresley and his team a call or schedule a consultation with one of our front desk receptionists to see if it is the right treatment for you! Call 847-773-0679 today and get started learning more about double chin treatments.

Posted in: SculpSure

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