The patient is a 58-year-old Male who was unhappy with the drooping and herniated tissue to bilateral upper and lower eyelids. The patient notes having to constantly elevate the eyelids with the use of the eyebrows and forehead. This causes fatigue especially as the day progresses. Additionally, the eyelids close on downgaze. Sometimes the patient… Read More »
This 66-year-old patient came in complaining of drooping upper lids and excess skin on both the bilateral upper and lower eyelids. Dr. Tresley performed Bilateral Upper Lid Ptosis repair, Bilateral Upper and Lower Lid Blepharoplasty with Upper Lid Lacrimal Gland Resuspension, SOOF (Sub-Orbicularis Oculi Fat) Lift with Lid Tightening
The patient is a 67year old male who complained of excess skin and herniated tissue to bilateral upper and lower eyelids and wanted to change the cosmetic appearance of his lids. He also had drooping of bilateral upper eyelid ptosis which interfered with his vision. The patient stated that he had to constantly elevate the eyelids with the use of the eyebrows and forehead. This causes fatigue especially as the day progresses. Additionally, the eyelids closed on downgaze. Sometimes the patient will have to hold the eyelids up in order to see. Activities of daily living were compromised. Dr. Tresley performed a Bilateral Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty and a Bilateral Upper lid Ptosis Repair. He was very happy with the results.
The patient is a 60-year-old Female who came in complaining of drooping and herniated tissue to her upper and lower eyelids. She also had right upper lid Ptosis which was impairing her vision in her right eye. Dr. Tresley performed a Bilateral Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty, Right Upper lid Ptosis repair and a lower lid… Read More »
Bilateral Upper Lid Ptosis Repair, Bilateral Upper and Right Lower Lid Blepharoplasty, Laser Peel Skin Resurfacing, Botox, Sculptra and Restylane Injections
Bilateral Upper Lid Ptosis Repair and Blepharoplasty
Bilateral Upper Lid Ptosis Repair, Bilateral Upper Lid Blepharoplasty, and Eyebrow Lift
Bilateral Upper Lid Ptosis Repair
Bilateral Upper Lid Ptosis Repair and Bilateral Upper Lid Blepharoplasty
Lesion Removal, Bilateral Upper Lid Ptosis Repair, and Bilateral Upper Lid Blepharoplasty